My only excuse for not posting since last month is that I’ve been diverted with other projects, including the new hgchicago site. The bad news is that it’s still not all there. The good news is that it’s WordPress-based and that the new version of Firefox, 7.0.1, no longer freezes my OS. Never did solve the Opera vs. WordPress problem, but now I’m back to Firefox for most things.
Chicago is no longer a media center, but still important enough to have Occupy action. I stopped by Jackson/LaSalle this afternoon, there were a few hundred people with signs and a good attitude.

The scheduled teach-instarted nearly on time, with St. Xavier Professor Aisha

Karim speaking about Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Unfortunately, the acoustic conditions and the speaker’s accent prevented me from a full understanding of her case.
It looks from the previews like WordPress might be doing some things to my images, but I’ll wait to see the actual post.
Don’t know all that much about you or your blog, or the nuances of your opinions, but it’s refreshing to see someone with a Georgist take on things.
you ppl are freakin nuts just go home and stop your dumb potesting!!!!!!! you guys are not gona change one thing with all this protesting!!!!!!!
I’d like to adapt your photo of the Teach-In for use on an upcoming People’s University site powered by the Education Committee of Occupy Chicago. May I?
Sure, feel free to use it. Please credit “”