When last reviewed here, prices for Chicago taxi medallions had risen to an average of $185,000. Prices have since peaked at $202,000, but now are below that previous level. The March Chicago Dispatcher printed edition includes an ad offering to pay medallion owners $750/month, which implies almost 5% ROI if prices stabilize.
Month Price Source
February ’10 $183,000 Chicago Dispatcher
January ’10 $184,000 Chicago Dispatcher
December ’09 $202,000 Chicago Dispatcher
October ‘09 $185,000 City of Chicago
May ‘09 $170,000 Chicago Dispatcher
April ‘09 $164,500 Chicago Dispatcher
March ‘09 $165,000 Chicago Dispatcher
February ‘09 $158,000 Chicago Dispatcher
Feb ‘07 $ 77,000 Chicago Tribune
2004 >$40,000 Chicago Tribune
1991 $28,000 Chicago Sun Times
Eventually the City of Chicago may post more recent information here (scroll down to “Taxicab Medallion Transfer Price List” for the pdf report.)