Blueseed plans to start operation next year of a floating city, safely outside the twelve-mile limit of U S jurisdiction, where a thousand innovators can work pretty much without the immigration hassles imposed on domestic companies. The “land” of the ocean is of course free to anyone who wants to use it, but there are big expenses in building and operating the platform. Still, they estimate living costs comparable to those of pricey San Francisco (albeit for much smaller living space.) If land in Silicon Valley was cheap, the ocean site would seem expensive, but it isn’t, so it doesn’t.
They’re entirely legal, or so it appears, and don’t seem to avoid Federal income tax altho California taxes might not apply. Blueseed “will work closely with the U.S. Customs and Borders Protection towards an agreement that follows all applicable US laws and regulations,” and it appears access will be from the California mainland so everyone not a legal U S resident will need some kind of U S visa.
But being outside U. S. territory, flying a flag of convenience, what defense has Blueseed against whoever might want to attack them? Not to worry, “pirates … don’t exist near California…” and presumably attacks by government authorities are no more likely at sea than within the country.