And it really seems to be just a parking space, outdoors, in a neighborhood where condo’s cost millions. If this space, including an allowance for access lanes, is 250 square feet, that works out to about $1200/square foot. More evidence that location matters.
Category: land value
Farmers still don't own their land
The Census Bureau has issued the 2007 Census of Agriculture reports for Illinois, and, no surprise, most farmland is not owned by the farmer who works it. 62% of farmland in the state is tenant-farmed, up from 58% in 2002. (table 9, pdf) . Owner-operators are the majority of farmers, but have much smaller farms, 107 acres and $47,726 gross revenue, compared to part-tenants (784 acres and $407,013) and farmers who rent all their land (439 acres and $254,814) (table 65, pdf)
Nationally, however, more than half of farmland is operator-owned. And these owners paid more than $7 billion in interest on loans secured by real estate.