
This is a blog about privilege, why it’s a problem and how big a problem it is, and how it could be controlled. Along the way I discuss anything else that happens to interest me.  My main reason for blogging is to assemble these notes and links in one place where I have a fair chance of finding them.  Anyone interested is welcome to take a look.  The blog is named in honor of the classic work by Henry George, Jr.  Comments and links of course are solicited.

I had (consecutively) three blogs called “menace of privilege,” and in each case the host had glitches and was unable to provide adequate support. So for the fourth try I named it “taxpayer,” which maybe doesn’t sound so, uh, menacing.  That one worked pretty well on wordpress.com’s server, so I decided to risk renaming it to menaceofprivilege.com when I moved it to paid hosting at maiahost.

Update July, 2015:  In 2013 the blog moved from Maiahost to Dreamhost.  I’ve been busy, sure, which is one reason it’s been quiet here for the past year or so.  Another, tho, is that a lot of what needs to be said has been said, and I get tired of piling on more examples of the same thing.  Still, I hope to get back to posting every, say, once in a while, sometime pretty soon.

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Chuck, Aren’t I already on your email list to get this? I thought we went through this before, but if not, make sure that I”m on now. This one was picked up by my Google Flagger. Nice job. B.

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