Earlier I wrote about how Pace maintenance seems much more competent than cta’s. Since June, five cta buses have broken down while I was aboard. Two were the small Optima buses, none more than a year old, and three were articulateds that I think are about three years old. Pretty clearly, cta is either unable to maintain their buses, or perhaps unable (or unwilling?) to figure out how to purchase equipment that will hold up.
Today’s breakdown was the first that happened right on Lake Shore Drive. The driver managed to pull over safely, invited everyone to get off, and waited to flag down a follower. The condition of buses was discussed. He, not I, pointed out that Pace buses don’t break down.
So I repeat my proposal: Let Pace take over one cta bus garage.
i’ve been using ‘P’ace for about a month now (well, public transit most of my working life) and they have been about as inconsistent, in my humble estimation, as cta has been… of which i have always explained away as ‘the chance of not being on a fixed railway.’ but, having lived in both seattle and la, i had not ever encountered the problems of commuting on a bus as i have here. i do not know but maybe it is due to the semi- hyper driving skills of an over workered midwesterner?