What I’m trying to do here is simply maintain a list of links of interest to geoists, including discussion of land value taxation, henry george, etc. Of course links disappear over time, content might or might not migrate to the Internet Archive. We shall see how it goes.
The Conservative Case for a Land Value Tax. The disqus discussion includes some geoists and royalists making points of varying validity.
Op-Ed: A better way to solve the housing crisis — tax land, not development. UCLA planning professors Michael Manville, Paavo Monkkonen, and Michael Lens writing in the LA Times, July 19, 2017
Land portal links to many various sites discussing land tenure, especially community and shared ownership of various sorts. Which it seems is quite extensive, worldwide, even if uncommon in wealthier areas.
“It’s Possible To Cut Cropland Use in Half and Produce the Same Amount of Food, Says New Study.” From Reason magazine. This seems to assume farmers worldwide adopt US methods, which imho might be the most efficient where labor is taxed, but probably could be improved upon if only land was taxed.
Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein seems a generally Georgist approach. There’s a book, a video, some essays.